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100次浏览     发布时间:2025-01-28 00:03:26    

1.What do you mean by exit and entry?


Exitmeans going from the Chinese mainland to other countries or regions,from the mainland of China to the Hong Kong Special AdministrativeRegion and the Macao Special Administrative Region, and from theChinese Mainland to Taiwan.


Entry,refers to the entry from other countries or regions into the Chinesemainland, from the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, MacaoSpecial Administrative Region into the Chinese mainland, from Taiwaninto mainland China.


2.Whatis the scope of application of the Exit-Entry Administration Law?


TheExit and Entry Control Law provides that "This Law shall applyto the management of the exit and entry of Chinese citizens, theentry and exit of foreigners, the stay and residence of foreigners inChina, and the border control of the exit and entry of means oftransportation."


3.Whatare the legal rights and interests of Chinese citizens in relation toexit and entry?


Article3 of the Exit-Entry Administration Law provides that "The Stateprotects the lawful rights and interests of Chinese citizens inleaving and entering the country."


Thelegitimate rights and interests of Chinese citizens in exit and entryinclude three aspects: First, the right to apply for entry and exitdocuments such as passports in accordance with the law. Second, theright to enter and leave the country in accordance with the law. Thethird is the right to enjoy special channels and other conveniencemeasures.


4.Whatare the legal rights and interests of foreigners in China?


China'sConstitution provides that "The People's Republic of Chinaprotects the lawful rights and interests of foreigners in China."In terms of the Exit and Entry Administration Law alone, it isstipulated that the lawful rights and interests of foreigners stayingin China include: 1) lawful stay and residence; 2) lawful work; 3)application for relief from coercive measures and administrativepenalties in accordance with the law.


5.Whatobligations do foreigners in China have to fulfill?


Foreignersin China shall abide by Chinese laws and shall not endanger China'snational security, harm public interests or disrupt public order,including: abide by China's constitution and laws, respect China'snational sovereignty, and not engage in activities aimed atundermining China's national sovereignty or threatening China'snational security; abide by public order and social morality, and notact against good customs; pay taxes in accordance with the law, andobey emergency management, etc.


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